The occurrence of a Peltier effect with change of direction within a metal crystal, which effect Bridgman has recently noted and which he has considered incapable of explanation by any of "our ordinary pictures of electrical conduction," is readily explained by the dual theory, through a formula published several years ago. Millikan's recent announcement that, according to experiments and reasoning of his own, most of the conductive electrons within metals do not share the energy of thermal agitation, while the "thermions," "presumably responsible for the Peltier and thermo-electric effects," do share this energy, tends to confirm views which the author has long held and repeatedly expressed. These facts seem to indicate that the time is opportune for a more continuous and better illustrated statement of the dual theory of metallic conduction than has yet been given. This statement reviews briefly what the theory has had to say concerning the Volta effect, Richardson's derivation of his formula for thermionic emission, and the thermo-electric pseudo equation $P=T$ $\frac{\mathrm{dV}}{\mathrm{dT}}$, applying everywhere the mass law of equilibrium between electrons, ions and atoms within a metal. It then undertakes to show how the Thomson effect, the Peltier effect, the electric conductivity and the thermal conductivity of a given metal may be rationally connected by means of a set of six equations containing six constants characteristic of the metal, the equations serving for the determination of the constants. It shows in particular how a theory of heat conduction, with a definite formula for thermal conductivity, grows out of the more fundamental conceptions of the dual theory. It applies the machinery of the dual theory to the results of Bridgman's experiments on changes of electrical, thermal and thermoelectric properties of metals under high pressure, showing explicitly how the corresponding changes of the "characteristic constants" can be found and what is the nature of these changes in particular instances. Two general results of importance appear from this discussion. The first, which was predicted, is that, as a rule, compression of a metal reduces the latent heat of the ionization process within it. The conception of thermal conductivity as the product, in a general way, of electric conductivity and heat of ionization, goes far to explain why the two conductivities, though so closely related, are so differently affected by certain changes of condition. The second general conclusion from the study of Bridgman's data is that, contrary to expectation, compression of a metal increases, as a rule, the ratio of free-electron conductivity to total electric conductivity. This evidence seems to give support to the idea, already familiar, that the free electrons may go through, not necessarily between, the atoms in their progress through a metal. This conception, taken with the consideration that latent heat of ionization diminishes with fall of temperature, suggests that the supraconductive state may be one in which the distinction between "free" electrons and "associated" electrons disappears, the metal being, as regards all the conductive electrons, in a state of flux.The theory here set forth, if it is to account for the whole of thermal conduction in metals, appears to require the heat of ionization within a metal to increase with increase of temperature, even when expansion is prevented by increase of pressure.The dual theory indicates that photo-electric emission should be nearly independent of temperature but suggests the following revision of Richardson's thermionic emission formula, $a$ being a constant: $i=A{T}^{\frac{1}{2}}{\ensuremath{\epsilon}}^{\frac{\ensuremath{-}{b}_{0}}{R}}=A{T}^{\frac{1}{2}}{\ensuremath{\epsilon}}^{\ensuremath{-}a}{\ensuremath{\epsilon}}^{\frac{\mathrm{aT}}{T}}{\ensuremath{\epsilon}}^{\frac{\ensuremath{-}{b}_{0}}{T}}={A}^{\ensuremath{'}}{T}^{\frac{1}{2}}{\ensuremath{\epsilon}}^{\frac{\ensuremath{-}({b}_{0}\ensuremath{-}aT)}{T}}$
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