Background. The purpose of our work is to study the main indicators of the quality of care for patients with an acute stroke in individual hospitals of the Left Bank of the Kyiv Region of Ukraine. Materials and methods. The research was carried out at the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, on the basis of CNCE “Brovary Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital”, angioneurological department with 85 beds (hereinafter — BMCH), and 4 secondary care centers with decentralized localization in the Kyiv Region (hereinafter — CDHKRLBU). The named departments are located 80–100 km, and BMCH is 15 km away from the regional center. They work according to an approved local protocol that meets industry standards for the management of patients with acute cerebral stroke and existing clinical guidelines. A total of 10,608 hospitalized patients with acute cerebral stroke were included in the prospective, cohort study (5,818 patients in BMCH and 4,790 patients in CDHKRLBU). For each case, the RES-Q (version 1.2) was filled out — a report form in an international program developed by the ESO-EAST initiative. Results. The study showed that the quality of care for stroke patients can be influenced by the material and technical base of the institution, as well as availability of diagnostic equipment, bed capacity and, of course, the logistical location, distance from the regional center. All quality indicators point to the leadership of BMCH compared to CDHKRLBU, and this has explanations. Conclusions. The study identified both positive and negative aspects of the therapeutic and diagnostic work in healthcare facilities, as well as factors influencing the success of treatment outcomes for patients with acute stroke. These findings have convincingly confirmed the relevance of studying quality care indicators and support the further implementation of the hospital registry method (based on RES-Q registry principles) in other areas of Kyiv Region and across Ukraine to evaluate and monitor the quality of medical care, including the analysis of the effectiveness of new technologies. During the study, BMCH purchased a new SCT, Philips Intera 1.5T MRI scanner (Netherlands), and Siemens angiograph in 2021, which improved the diagnosis of cerebral strokes and the use of treatment of thrombolytic therapy, thrombus extraction within the Left Bank of the Kyiv Region of Ukraine. Neighboring hospitals acquired SCT and expanded thrombolytic therapy for ischemic stroke. Of course, the research conducted is positive, because it becomes possible to identify certain shortcomings in the work and formulate recommendations for planning measures to improve medical care for stroke patients, as well as to compare the results of activities at the international and national levels.
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