Understanding quantum many-body systems with long-range or infinite-range interactions is of relevance across a broad set of physical disciplines, including quantum optics, nuclear magnetic resonance, and nuclear physics. From a theoretical viewpoint, these systems are appealing since they can be efficiently studied with numerics, and in the thermodynamic limit are expected to be governed by mean-field equations of motion. Over the past years the capabilities to experimentally create long-range interacting systems have dramatically improved permitting their control in space and time. This allows us to induce and explore a plethora of nonequilibrium dynamical phases, including time crystals and even chaotic regimes. However, establishing the emergence of these phases from numerical simulations turns out to be surprisingly challenging. This difficulty led to the assertion that mean-field theory may not be applicable to time-dependent infinite-range interacting systems. Here, we rigorously prove that mean-field theory in fact exactly captures their dynamics, in the thermodynamic limit. We further provide bounds for finite-size effects and their dependence on the evolution time.
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