To ensure the functioning of radio electronic equipment (RAE), semiconductor power converters (NPEs) are used, which perform the functions of converting and adjusting the parameters of electrical energy. The modern consumer needs NPEs with a rigid set of operational characteristics - ensuring functional parameters in a wide range of changes in all disturbing factors. The existing principles of NPE construction do not always allow such a set of characteristics to be realized. The article analyzes the stability of the pulse voltage stabilizer based on high-frequency magnetic amplifiers, taking into account the technological spread of their core parameters. The circuit of the voltage stabilizer is presented, its operation is described, the principle of operation of the high-frequency magnetic amplifier is disclosed, and its transfer function in the frequency domain is found. The study is based on the use of interval analysis theory. The conducted analysis of the stability of the NPE, taking into account the interval uncertainty of the parameters of the cores of high-frequency magnetic amplifiers, confirmed their performance both with technological dispersion of the parameters of the cores and with a wide range of changes in all disturbing factors, including the parallel operation of voltage stabilizers on a common load.
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