In the article some problems of the theory of functions of constitutional and legal responsibility are researched. The relationshipbetween the goals, objectives and functions of constitutional legal responsibility, the functions of the Constitution, the functions of constitutionallaw, the functions of the state and the like is substantiated.Exploring the problems of constitutional and legal responsibility, it is necessary to proceed from a methodological position onunderstanding the functions of legal responsibility in general and the functions of constitutional and legal responsibility in particular,as an active way of constitutional and legal responsibility, directions and forms of its impact on public relationship, the content of thistype of legal responsibility, its purpose in society and the state, as well as its place in the system of protection of the Constitution andthe constitutional order.Equally important in creating a holistic theory of the functions of constitutional responsibility is the consideration and relationshipof the category “function of constitutional responsibility” and phenomena such as “objectives of constitutional responsibility”,“tasks of constitutional and legal responsibility” and “principles of constitutional and legal responsibility”. Certain theoretical differencesin the definition of these essentially different and, at the same time, interconnected categories give rise to significant contradictionsand conflicts in constitutional theory and legislative practice. They can be overcome only by creating a holistic system of conceptsin which the concept of “function of constitutional and legal responsibility” will occupy a clearly defined place.It is concluded that the concept of “functions of constitutional and legal responsibility”, on the one hand, and the concept of“functions of the Constitution”, “functions of constitutional law”, “functions of the state”, “functions of subjects of constitutional law”,on the other hand, are mutually related. Consequently, this issue of scientific research is relevant and practically significant both interms of the theory of constitutional law and its institutions, primarily the theory of constitutional and legal responsibility, and theapplied aspect, primarily in the context of formation and implementation of legal personality of subjects in constitutional and legal relationship,first of all, bodies and officials of state power and local self-government.It is argued that its functionality and effectiveness depend on the correct definition of the goals and objectives of constitutionalresponsibility.
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