1. Introduction. Elsewhere(2) we consider the problem of characterizing all the solutions x, in a free group on generators a,, a2, . . *, a., of a given equation w(x, a,, a2, , a.) = 1. The totality of solutions can be described as the set of all values assumed by a certain finite set of group theoretic expressions upon substituting integers for certain parameters appearing in these expressions as exponents. As a trivial example, the solutions of x-lajlxa1= 1 are all values assumed by a' as v runs through the integers. The general result, and our method of obtaining it, has led us to the study of such expressions, or words, that contain certain parameters Pi, P2, * * *, Vd as exponents. These words may be taken in a natural way as representing elements of a group G that admits additional algebraic operations of raising an element g of G to an exponent a, where a is any element of the ring Z[P1, P2, * * *, Pd] of all polynomials in indeterminates in Pi, P2, * * *, Pv with integer coefficients. More generally, if X is any associative ring with 1, we call a group G an X-group if it is equipped with additional operations g-_g for each a in X, subject to the following axioms: g' = g, g (a+:) = gag 3, g (a0) = (g a) a g(hg) a = (gh) ag. We hasten to note that if n is an integer, the axioms imply g n = gn, so that we may omit all dots. Like the power maps, g y+gn, these operations are not required to define endomorphisms: we do not require that (gh)a=gah/a. The last axiom requires that, like the power maps, these operations commute with all inner automorphisms: (g-'hg) a = g-lhag. The appropriateness of these axioms to our purpose is demonstrated by the fact, proved below, that for X=Z[Pl, V2, P, Pd], a w in the letters a,, a2, * * *, a. containing parameters Pi, P2, * d, assumes the value 1 in the free group on a1, a2, * * *, ar under all substitutions for the parameters if and only if it reduces to the empty word 1 by virtue of the given axioms. The main result of this paper is the solution of an extended problem for free X-groups, X=Z[Pl, P2, * * *, Pd]. An effective process is exhibited whereby, given a w, as above, an element a in X is determined such that, under any substitution of integers for the vi, co assumes the value 1 if and only if a assumes the value 0.
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