This paper explores the intersection of Relevance Theory and translation through an analysis of Shi Longlian's The Extensive Commentary on the Bodhisattva's Way of Life. The study begins with an introduction to Santideva, the esteemed 8th-century Indian philosopher, whose work laid the foundation for Mahayana Buddhist ethics and practice. Following this, it examines Shi Longlian, a prominent contemporary translator and scholar, highlighting her contributions to Buddhist literature and her extensive commentary that enriches the understanding of the Bodhisattva path. By applying these Relevance Theory as theoretical frameworks, this paper focuses on how Shi Longlian’s commentary achieves optimal relevance, facilitating comprehension for contemporary readers while remaining faithful to the original text's intent. This study emphasizes the importance of Relevance Theory in translation, showcasing how it enhances the audience's understanding and appreciation of Buddhist teachings in the modern context.
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