Bevelacqua Resources, 7531 Flint Crossing Circle SE, Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763 USA The LHCb Collaboration provided data that supports a J/ψK0S structure, denoted as Tθψs1(4000)0, using an amplitude analysis of B0 → J/ψϕK0S decay. The structure of the J/ψK0S is investigated using a first-order tetraquark mass formula. This mass relationship is based on weakly bound J/ψ plus K0S meson clusters. The first-order tetraquark mass formula provides a predicted mass of 3694 MeV/c2 that is within about 8% of the experimental value of 3991 MeV/c2 with a Jπ = 1+ prediction. The data does not distinguish between 1+ and 1¯ states. KEYWORDS: Tetraquark Model for the Tθψs1(4000)0; First-Order Mass Formula; Quark Model; Cluster Model.