Trees impact the local urban climate, notably at street level by intercepting solar radiation and providing shading. Evapotranspiration in foliage may reduce the air temperature although it may increase relative humidity and leaf drag may reduce wind speed, affecting thermal comfort. To document and quantify this impact, microclimate modeling with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations requires explicit information of the urban configuration, including trees. However, trees are complex individuals with a variety of shapes and a variety of foliage distribution. This study aims to investigate the sensibility to the tree modeling of the urban climate simulations. Starting with terrestrial LiDAR data from trees of different species, ages, and forms, we propose a systematic evaluation of the optimal representation of arboreal configurations in terms of local urban comfort. One way to represent the foliage of trees accurately is to apply Delaunay triangulation on the LiDAR data, which yields a convex envelope model. The resulting foliage shape is very close to the actual tree, but includes a high number of facets leading to complex objects to model numerically. Comparing four species and three maturity level of trees with this method, the paper shows that the size of the zone shadowed by a tree is the parameter with the largest impact on thermal comfort, as the ability of trees to absorb solar radiation is the main asset to improve thermal comfort. The UTCI could be up to 2.1°C lower for a mature ACPL than for a sapling, mainly because the zone covered by the tree is larger. In addition, polyhedron shape rhombicuboctahedron (RBC) produces accurate shadowed zones. Mostly, in literature, tree canopies are modeled with cubic representations while we see that they overestimate the size of the shadowed zone. To have reliable compromise between accuracy and time for conception and computational time, this paper shows that the RBC is the best alternative to common tree models. Despite requiring a good knowledge of the canopy geometry, RBC provides a strong capacity for accurately modelling complex canopy shapes of most tree species and offers large benefits in reduced complexity. We show that the RBC shape, thanks to its simple but flexible geometry, is an efficient and accurate methodological approach to model trees and allows savings in computational time (up to 15% faster than the convex envelope) and costs; and we expect that this method will improve the modeling of further parametric studies on vegetation impact on thermal urban comfort.
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