For a large collection of varieties we show that if the first-order theory of such a variety is decidable then the variety decomposes into the product of two well-known highly specialized varieties. For many varieties the decidability question then reduces to a decidability question about modules. A variety is a class of (abstract) algebras (belonging to some language) closed under the formation of direct products, subalgebras and homomorphic images. A variety 1/ is locally finite if every finitely-generated member of (/ is finite. A class of algebras K generates a variety 1/ if 1/ is the smallest variety containing K—then we say that \J is generated by K, written 1/ = V{K). A variety is finitely generated if it is generated by finitely many finite algebras, or equivalently by a single finite algebra. The kernel of a homomorphism is called a congruence, and the congruences of any algebra form a lattice. A variety is congruence modular, or we prefer to say just modular, if the lattice of congruences of every algebra in the variety satisfies the modular law. (Most of the well-studied varieties are modular; for example varieties of groups, rings, modules and lattices are modular. However,the variety of semigroups is not modular.) A variety \] is a product of two subvarieties | / j , |/2 ifl / j U l/2 generates (/ and there is a term b(x, y) such that M x \= b{x, y) = x, l/2 |= b(x, y) = y. If this is so we write 1/ = 1/ x <£) 1/ 2 , and then for every algebra A in 1/ there are (up to isomorphism) unique algebras Ax G (/p A2 G (/2 such that A = Ax x A2. A class K of first-order structures has a decidable theory if there is an effective procedure to determine precisely which first-order sentences are true of every member of K. A variety 1/ is a discriminator variety if it is generated by a set K for which there exists a ternary term t(xf y, z) such that K satisfies t(x, yy z) = x if x =£ y = z if x — y. In everyday mathematics such varieties appear only as highly specialized varieties of rings, or varieties associated with algebraic logics. Received by the editors December 29, 1980. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 03B25, 08B10, 08A05.
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