Magnetostriction is typically used for actuation and its reverse effect, known as themagnetomechanical effect, for sensing. Giant magnetostrictive materials, such asTerfenol-D, are capable of producing large strains when placed in a magnetic field andchanges in the magnetization on application of an applied stress. The present investigationseeks to explore the novel idea of changing the magnetization of a Terfenol-D rod due to anapplied force under a defined pre-stress to investigate the suitability of transferringappreciable amounts of magnetic energy to external media. Experimental investigationshave been carried out on a Terfenol-D monolithic rod under different levels of constantpre-stress to quantitatively estimate the change in magnetic induction. It is shown that thechange in magnetic induction is very small compared with that for a permanent magnet.Further, the inductive field is dependent on the dynamic behaviour of the Terfenol-Drod.