Introduction S tethers have been proposed for many important applications such as the study of planetary atmosphere, micro and variable-^ experiments, space construction, and energy transmission. One of the primary issues in tether utilization is fast deployment/retrieval of attached payloads. Much work has been done on developing models for studying tether dynamics during deployment and retrieval. These models include tether flexibility, atmospheric effects, orbital eccentricity, and planetary oblateness effects. Two basic methods for controlling tether deployment/retrieval have emerged to date: 1) tension control' (reeling in or out) and 2) crawler mechanism. The second method has been proposed due to concerns of slow retrieval rates in the terminal phases and violent tether oscillations during tension controlled retrieval. The disadvantage of this method is that if the tether is not retrieved it may have to be jettisoned. A comparison of the two aforementioned control schemes has been conducted by Glickman and Rybak. Overall, much physical insight can be obtained by using simple mathematical models. A Lyapunov (mission function) approach has been used for tether deployment and retrieval by Fujii and Ishijima. The proposed nonlinear tension control law has been designed for controlling deployment and retrieval in the orbital plane. It performs well, but terminal oscillations of the tether length and tension are encountered during deployment. Furthermore, the pitch angle seems to remain constant during the terminal phase of retrieval indicating that it cannot be controllable to the origin. In this Note, we consider a modified Lyapunov control law to eliminate the terminal oscillations observed by Fujii and Ishijima and show that rapid retrieval is possible if moderate pitch angle excursion of the tether is allowed during the intermediate phase of retrieval. In all cases, the pitch angle can be controlled to the desired equilibrium point.