A three-compartment mathematical model was developed to represent a phytoplankton population with the capability of storing nitrogen in a nitrate-limited environment. Parameters were estimated by fitting the model to equilibrium data from two chemostat experiments reported by Caperon (1968, 1969). The model was then run to simulate the transient chemostat conditions, and the model response was compared with the observed data. The model provides a reasonable representation of the sudden population surges associated with intracellular nutrient storage. One of the most interesting phenomena associated with phytoplankton communities is the ability for many different genera and species to coexist in the same apparently homogeneous environment. Because of the sequential blooms observed in nature, it is intuitively obvious that temporal variations in environmental conditions are a predominant mechanism influencing an organism's ability to compete and coexist with its competitors. However, in the past, true coexistence based on transient conditions has proved difficult to describe mathematically. In this paper competition was studied by using a mathematical model which incorporates intracellular nutrient storage. Thus, an organism's ability to compete at any given time is based not only on current environmental conditions, but also on the past history of nutrient uptake. The model demonstrates the effect of flow variations on the competitive ability of two hypothetical species. Temporal variations in flow were characterized by three parameters: period, amplitude, and percentage of time high flow occurs. Regions of coexistence were described in terms of these parameters. Temporal variations in nutrient supply also affect competitive ability. It is suggested that a region of coexistence can be thought of as multidimensional, with each dimension described by a parameter associated with temporal variations in some environmental characteristic. The reason that "niches" are so difficult to find and describe may be that each is defined by a hyperspace of temporal variation. Many environmental forces are known to influence growth dynamics in natural systems. The intensities of these forces fluctuate widely, regularly or irregularly, with different periods and amplitudes, thus providing an unlimited number of intensity combinations as the system passes through time. At one point in time the combination of environmental conditions may be most suitable for one particular species and at another time most suitable for an entirely different species. Provided that a suitable combination occurs with sufficient frequency and duration, a species may be able to survive indefinitely. One of the most subtle dangers to a dynamically balanced system of this type is the removal of the complex temporal variations. Considering man's encroachment on the environment, concern must be shown not only for what is added to or withdrawn from a natural system, but also for the possibility of significantly dampening the fluctuation of environmental forces. We are presently applying the concepts and the above model to data obtained from natural populations in a stratified marine environment.