Motivated by a study of the crossing symmetry of the asymmetric twin or ‘gemini’representation of the affine Hecke algebra we give a construction for crossing tensor spacerepresentations of ordinary Hecke algebras. These representations build solutions to theYang–Baxter equation satisfying the crossing condition (that is, integrable quantum spinchains). We show that every crossing representation of the Temperley–Lieb algebra appearsin this construction, and in particular that this construction builds new representations. Weextend these to new representations of the blob algebra, which build new solutions to theboundary Yang–Baxter equation (i.e. open spin chains with integrable boundaryconditions).We prove that the open spin chain Hamiltonian derived from Sklyanin’s commutingtransfer matrix using such a solution can always be expressed as the representation of anelement of the blob algebra, and determine this element. We determine the representationtheory (irreducible content) of the new representations and hence show that all suchHamiltonians have the same spectrum up to multiplicity, for any given value of thealgebraic boundary parameter. (A corollary is that our models have the samespectrum as the open XXZ chain with nondiagonal boundary—despite differingfrom this model in having reference states.) Using these multiplicity data, andother ideas, we investigate the underlying quantum group symmetry of the newHamiltonians. We derive the form of the spectrum and the Bethe ansatz equations.