In the present article, we will undertake an analytical and hermeneutic research on three monographic studies signed by researcher Alexandru Bohanţov (Lupaşcu-Bohanţov) – Television genres and formats (2013), Television theatre, between the modern canon and the postmodern format (2019) and The metamorphoses of identity in the media culture of the Republic of Moldova (2023) – a trilogy, between the constituents of which, there are basically certain connections of a conceptual nature, but also some structural and thematic correspondences. Thus, in the first work, the author analyzes the notional and pragmatic ambiguities of an operational tandem in current media communication – “genre and format”, frequently used in audiovisual media. The stated subjects acquire exemplary discursive materialization in the second work, devoted entirely to the poetics of theater and television film. Finally, the work Metamorphoses of identity in media culture constitutes a monographic synthesis in which by combining various research paradigms - the artifacts of media culture in the Republic of Moldova are subjected to a complex analysis from a diachronic perspective.
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