This descriptive cross-sectional study discussed the relationship between job crafting and community engagement in the telecommunications sector of Somalia. A total of 95 respondents were interviewed and data was analyzed by SPSS version 26. Job crafting, work engagement, work environment, HR policies, Regular Training facilities, and years of job experience directly influence the crafting of employees and the level of community engagement in telecommunication organizations. The average working experience of telecommunication staff was 6.35±4.069 years and there was a strong association between employee years of experience and monthly income (x2= 41.25, df = 11, Gamma V= .37, Lamda λ = .41 cOR= 1.58; 95% CI = 1.655–2.56; P = 0.02). There is an association between being treated fairly in this organization and policy practices (χ2 =18.40, DF= 5, p =.05). There is never pressure to finish their work on time and this aligned with the crafting of employees of the organization (χ2 =16.80, DF= 6, p =.02). Majority of organization have no good retirement and insurance plans for current employees (χ2 =16.45, DF= 6, p =.001). It has been found that an association exists between proactively working for community engagement and policy practices for employee training programs (χ2 =19.75, DF= 6, p =.05). The majority of employees struggle with a shortage of quality training on engagement process (χ2 =20.44, DF= 6, p =.02). Respondent seems unhappy about engagement process of the organizations (χ2 =16.50, DF= 6, p =0.05).
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