ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to look into the prevalence and associations of meeting adherence to 5-2-1-0 health guidelines (5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables/day (FV), ≤2 hours of recreational screen time/day (ST), at least 1 hour of moderate and/or vigorous physical activity (PA), and 0 sugar-sweetened beverages/day) among school adolescents in the Philippines. The 2011, 2015 and 2019 Philippines Global School-based Student Health Survey, a nationally representative survey of teenagers aged 11 to 18 provided the study’s data. Measures included self-reported demographics, peer and parental support, body mass index, six externalized and four internalized behaviours, and four hygiene behaviours, and 5-2-1-0 health guidelines. The relationship between behavioural outcomes and meeting the 5-2-1-0 health guidelines number was investigated using logistic regression models. The percentages of participants who adhered to none, one, and two, 5-2-1-0 health guidelines were 11.6%, 38.9%, and 41.8%, respectively, whereas 7.7% of participants met three (7.2%) or four (0.5%) guidelines. Compared to participants from study wave 2011, participants from study waves 2015 and 2019, and having obesity were negatively associated with adhering to 3 or 4 5-2-1-0 health guidelines, while school attendance, peer and higher parental support were positively associated with adhering to 3 or 4 5-2-1-0 health guidelines. Compared with meeting none of the 5-2-1-0 health guidelines, participants who met a higher number of recommendations were less likely to report externalizing behaviours (current alcohol use, history of intoxication, participation in physical fighting, sustained a physical injury, were physically attacked and had been bullied), internalizing behaviours (suicidal ideation, plan and attempt and psychological distress) and hygiene behaviours (inadequate tooth brushing, not always hang hygiene before meals, after toilet and with soap). Future behavioural and mental health interventions for adolescents should focus on improving their overall 5-2-1-0 behaviours while taking demographic differences into account.
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