ABSTRACT A landslide inventory is essential for numerous applications, including disaster prevention and mitigation. The emergence of advanced satellite technologies and the proliferation of extensive satellite imagery have greatly enhanced the role of deep learning-based semantic segmentation networks in the development of comprehensive landslide inventories. In deep learning, especially in semantic segmentation tasks, the loss function is crucial to guide the training of neural networks. However, typical loss functions have several challenges and shortcomings, including difficulty in handling objects of different scales and neglecting spatial correlation. These drawbacks hinder semantic segmentation networks from solely concentrating on accurately predicting landslide categories with rich semantic information. The spatial details (e.g. small landslides and precise landslide boundary information) in the segmentation results may be lost, reducing the accuracy of landslide extraction. Most studies only focus on training and detection in the local region. Consequently, detecting new unexplored region and detrimental to emergency response is challenging. This study presents a level set loss-guided semantic segmentation network, which can be integrated with different semantic segmentation networks, to address these issues. Three out of five study areas (e.g. Bijie, Jiuzhaigou, and Taitung) are used for model training and accuracy evaluation, while the rest, which are newly unexplored regions (e.g. Hokkaido and Haiti), are used to test the transferability of the proposed loss function in different regions. The study results validate the effectiveness of the designed level set loss in various semantic segmentation networks and in different study areas for landslide extraction.