Abstract: This study aimed to determine the profiles and competency levels of Special Education Teachers (SpEdT) and Receiving Teachers (ReT) in applying the TPACK framework to facilitate learning in an inclusive setting. It assessed the components of the TPACK framework that required improvement based on the teachers' competencies and examined the significant relationship between the teachers' profiles and their competency in applying the TPACK framework. The findings served as the basis for a teacher development plan for the 2024–2025 school year in selected public schools in the Tri-City area of Metro Cebu that offered Special and Inclusive Education (SIE) programs. The study employed varied research designs, including cross-sectional, correlational, and descriptive correlation approaches. The collected data were analyzed using frequency, weighted mean, and Chi-square tests. The research found that most respondents were female, aged 44 to 53, married, and pursuing a master’s degree, with 13 to 18 years of experience in managing 11 to 20 learners, primarily those with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, or orthopedic disabilities, in self-contained classrooms. While all TPACK components were rated as "Competent," only Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) was rated as "Highly Competent," whereas Technological Knowledge (TK), Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), and Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) received lower scores. The study found no significant relationship between most profile factors and TPACK competencies. However, the sex of the teachers was significantly related to their Content Knowledge (CK) competency, while Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) and Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) were significantly related to civil status. Additionally, the type of class assignment had a significant relationship with CK competency. Overall, SpEdT and ReT teachers were considered competent in applying the TPACK framework for inclusive education. The study recommended implementing a development plan that included professional development, partnerships, and ongoing competency monitoring
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