Purpose: In modern society, where professional skills and function are required according to changes in the industrial structure, the personal and technical job capabilities of beauty human resources who pursue beauty targeting the human body are the most important factors affecting the growth of beauty companies along with customer satisfaction. Since it is a resource, it is a time when effective and efficient management of human re-sources is desperately needed. introduction of the National Competency Standards and Fair Evaluation Qualifi-cation System, one of the widely used improvement directions to quickly reflect changes in the industrial field, will help improve the productivity of beauty care by studying whether it is correlated with the technical capabili-ties of designers. Method: This survey was conducted for 15 days from August 5, 2022, by setting practitioners nationwide who obtained national qualifications related to hairdressing (hair) and working in hair salons as survey sub-jects, dis-tributed the questionnaires directly, and asked the respondents to fill in the questionnaires directly. An empirical survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire survey method. First, a measurement tool was constructed, the factors of the item on the difference in job ability were analyzed, and the validity and reliability of the four factors extracted based on the eigenvalue 1 were tested, and the data were analyzed. Results: As a result of demographic analysis, there were 239 males (50.9%) and 231 females (49.1%), As a result of the descriptive statistics analysis, the overall job competency averaged 3.45 points. Among technical job skills, ‘correction service ability’ (M=3.63) appeared the highest, ‘Cutting skills’ (M=3.62) followed by ‘profes-sional work’ (M=3.52). Differences in technical job competency by gender were relatively higher in men than women in terms of cutting skills, customer hair evaluation/prescription, and more, In the case of women, com-pared to men, permanent wave technology, hair coloring technology, straightening service ability, fashion/inge-nuity, and hair styling skill were relatively higher, showing differences. Technical job skills by age were relatively higher in those in their 50s, 60s, and 20s than those in their 30s and 40s. Job competency according to the final level of education was relatively high in those with a 4-year college degree or higher. It was found that those who majored in beauty related departments had higher work ability than those who did not major. As a result of the analysis by experience, the overall technical job ability was relatively high for less than 5 years or more than 10 years, and for professional work. Conclusion: As a result of analyzing the technical job of hair designers working in the industrial field, it can be seen that those in their 20s have the best technical job ability by age, and those with less than 5 years of experi-ence have the best technical job ability by career. It is recognized that the systematic curriculum of NCS is working meaningfully.
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