It takes experience and evaluate teaching methods a dapted to the specific nature of Statistics. Curren tly advent of computer technology work with numbers has become less costly, with the use of specific softw are. These have been gaining ground in the academic environment, however, it is essential to assess the education al quality of this new educational tool. In this sense, we aimed to de monstrate the importance of using the BioEstat 5.3 software on statistical learning in undergraduate courses, emph asizing its ease and applicability in various stati stical tests by students. The external quality of the program was e valuated following the method of check-list, checki ng pedagogical features, ease of use, features the interphase, fun ctionality, portability and documentation generally and specifically for some parametric tests, non-parametric and descripti ve. For all traits the program showed a satisfactor y concept, especially for convenience of handling, easy acquis ition (Free Virtual) and diversity of statistical p ackages. The tests had excellent performance such as speed of executio n, presentation of results and ease of interpretati on and application. Therefore, the software BioEstat showed great poten tial to arouse attention and interest to the studen t with stats and can be widely used for teaching and learning of this su bject . Keywords- Higher education. Teaching and Learning. Free Software. Statistical program.Software quality.
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