Successful doctoral studies rely heavily on the quality of supervision, particularly the relationship between supervisor and doctoral student. This relationship influences both the doctoral process and the final product—the completed thesis. Prior research indicates that supervisory alliances play a critical role in doctoral completion, with insufficient supervisor support often cited as a key factor in student attrition. To assist supervisors, especially those new to the role, this paper proposes a structured yet flexible reflective checklist. Grounded in two systematic reviews, the checklist combines five key supervisory dimensions—relationship, domain/research knowledge, pedagogical competencies, functional aspects, and methodological understanding—with both external (e.g., departmental structures, financial opportunities) and internal (e.g., motivation, academic identity) factors affecting doctoral progression. This framework encourages supervisors to continually examine and refine their practices, thereby fostering an environment that supports effective doctoral training. Ultimately, the reflective checklist serves as a customizable tool to prompt ongoing awareness, adaptation, and development in supervisory practice.
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