Point clouds have benefited autonomous driving applications. Thanks to advancements in CNN-based and Transformer-based architectures, projection and voxel representations for point clouds have become mainstream for 3D point cloud tasks. However, current feature backbones still face challenges in capturing local neighbor communication and contextual information due to the sparse and discrete point clouds. In this work, we explore an order reconstruction for discrete point clouds based on the LiDAR measurement principles and discuss the point graph representation. The point cloud graph provides geodesic information through directed edges. We integrate a graph branch based on GNN into a vanilla 3D CNN-based segmentation backbone while addressing the interaction between Euclidean and geodesic features. We examine the improvements in segmentation accuracy, semantic consistency, and receptive fields powered by the point cloud graph on 3D point cloud benchmarks. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methods achieve the 3D CNNs-based state-of-the-art for LiDAR segmentation.
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