In this study, density and sound speed contrasts were measured for the Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus. Target strength (TS) data derived from an acoustic scattering model based on measurements of these two parameters were compared with TS values based on acoustic measurement data to determine whether the measured parameters are reasonable values for theoretical scattering model. Density contrast (g) was measured from the displacement volume and wet weight, while sound speed contrast (h) was measured from the acoustic measurements of travel time (time-of-flight method). The Kirchhoff ray mode model, which represents the squid body as a set of fluid-filled cylinders, was used to calculate theoretical TS. Mean g- and h-values of the squid were 1.029 and 1.041, respectively. Comparison with previous data showed that g was similar, whereas h was relatively high. The difference in the TS between the theoretical model using measured parameters and the acoustic measurement was within 3 dB. Thus, the measured g- and h-values are acceptable for theoretical models of squid.