Goal. To study the productive and slaughter qualities of young pigs and the chemical composition of muscle tissue and liver for the use of high-protein fodder — narrow-leaf lupine and genetically modified (GM) soybeans as a part of fodder grain mixes. Methods. In the experiment, two groups of experimental animals were formed: the first group (control) was fed with grain mixture № 1 with narrow-leaved lupine (alkaloid-free) and sunflower cake; the second group (experimental) received grain mixture № 2 with GM soy. The live weight of young pigs was determined by individual weighing before morning feeding, feed payment by live weight gain — by calculation method, slaughter quality — by the technology used at meat processing enterprises, and chemical composition — by generally accepted methods. Laboratory studies of soy, muscle tissue, and liver for the content of genetically modified organisms were carried out at the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products. Results. Soybeans contained genetically modified desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), had a target promoter sequence 35S + FMV of Cauliflower mosaic virus, and the NOS-terminator (nopaline synthase) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. According to the results of qualitative analysis of the longest back muscle and liver of young pigs, no genetically modified organisms and products containing them were found. Conclusions. Optimizing the protein nutrition of young pigs due to genetically modified soybeans compared to the use of lupine and sunflower cake harmed live weight and average daily gains of animals (–11.6%) with the higher expenditure of exchangeable energy (+20.5%) per unit of gain. A comparative analysis of the chemical composition of the longest back muscle of gilts showed that in the muscle tissue of animals of the II (experimental) group, the concentration of dry matter, protein, and ash was lower by 0.60%, 1.10 and 0.08% abs., respectively, and fat — by 0.58% abs. greater than in animals of the I (control) group.
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