We study Tamagawa numbers of elliptic curves with torsion Z/2ZâZ/14Z over cubic fields and of elliptic curves with an n-isogeny over Q, for nâ{6,8,10,12,14,16,17,18,19,37,43,67,163}. Bruin and Najman [3] proved that every elliptic curve with torsion Z/2ZâZ/14Z over a cubic field is a base change of an elliptic curve defined over Q. We find that Tamagawa numbers of elliptic curves defined over Q with torsion Z/2ZâZ/14Z over a cubic field are always divisible by 142, with each factor 14 coming from a rational prime with split multiplicative reduction of type I14k, one of which is always p=2. The only exception is the curve 1922.e2, with cE=c2=14. The same curves defined over cubic fields over which they have torsion subgroup Z/2ZâZ/14Z turn out to have the Tamagawa number divisible by 143. As for n-isogenies, Tamagawa numbers of elliptic curves with an 18-isogeny must be divisible by 4, while elliptic curves with an n-isogeny for the remaining n from the mentioned set must have Tamagawa numbers divisible by 2, except for finite sets of specified curves.
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