In a scenario where there is growing demand for more sustainable agriculture, biostimulants have gained increasing attention. The objective was to assess the effectiveness of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens isolated BV03 (BV03) and Trichoderma asperellum isolated BV10 (BV10) in conjunction with humic substances in enhancing the growth of soybean plants. The experiment was conducted in 2018 and 2019 in a greenhouse, with 12 seed treatments: T1 – control (without inoculation and humic substances); T2 – Bacillus amyloliquefaciens BV03; T3 – Trichoderma asperellum BV10; T4 – NHT® Humic; T5 – Fertium® Liquid; T6 – Bioenergy®; T7 – BV03 + NHT® Humic; T8 – BV03 + Fertium® Liquid; T9 – BV03 + Bioenergy®; T10 – BV10 + NHT® Humic; T11 – BV10 + Fertium® Liquid; and T12 – BV10 + Bioenergy®, with eight repetitions. The following parameters were evaluated: plant height (PH), root length (LR), and fresh and dry mass of the aerial part and roots. The data were subjected to multivariate analysis of variance using Wilks lambda, Pillai trace, Hotelling–Lawley trace, and Roy maxim root tests at 5% significance, and then subjected to canonical discriminant analysis. In both years, the tallest PHs were achieved by inoculation with BV10 + NHT® Humic. In 2018 and 2019, the greatest LRs were obtained using Bioenergy® and Fertium® liquid. The interaction between T. asperellum BV10 and humic substances during early soybean development is best established under stressful conditions. Under milder conditions, inoculating microorganisms without association with humic substances yielded more satisfactory results.
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