Abstract Health and care systems across Europe are facing similar challenges. These include demographic and epidemiological changes, such as growing ageing population and increasing incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases, in addition to diminishing of budgets. These challenges can be met by innovative, evidence-based solutions, the research and development of which can be supported by several ways. The European Partnership on Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) is a co-fund action within the Horizon Europe Programme which supports coordinated national and regional research and innovation programs, alongside capacity building, networking, dissemination, and other activities crucial for health and care systems’ transformation. The core of THCS’s activities lies in funding research and innovation projects through transnational calls, engaging numerous research and innovation funding organisations. In addition to the funding activities, THCS develops several means for supporting the transformation towards sustainable, efficient, resilient, inclusive, innovative, and people-centred health and care systems accessible to all. This workshop aims at discussing on the trends and needs for research, development and innovation and capacity building in the European health and care systems, on leveraging research outcomes for evidence-based strategies and translating research into practice, on transferring and implementing innovative health and care practices, on fostering ecosystems, and on facilitating knowledge exchange and sharing. In the workshop the different means of the THCS partnership to support the transformation of health and care systems are presented and their further development discussed. The workshop consists of five presentations followed by a general discussion. Key messages • Participants will learn about the different means of the THCS partnership to support the transformation of health and care systems. • Participants can contribute to the further development of the THCS activities by sharing their reflections, opinions, and viewpoints.