Increasing attention to the ecological training of young people in the system of modern education is one of the important problems nowadays. Guarantees of environmental protection are presented in ecological knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as in the socio-cultural behavior and worldview of the population. Therefore, one of the priority tasks of the educational system is the formation of the ecological culture of the younger generation through the implementation of a system of continuous environmental education based on the principles of sustainable development. The purpose of the article is to investigate the problem of continuous ecological training of future teachers based on sustainable development. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature (to clarify key research concepts), systematization, and generalization (for the purpose of forming the author's conclusions). It is established that ensuring the sustainable development of society involves positive life activities of people through the creation of conditions that contribute to the harmonization of their relationships, development, and satisfaction of their needs in the socio-natural environment, providing opportunities for the formation of ecological culture in the educational sphere. The peculiarities of continuous ecological training of future teachers based on the concept of sustainable development are studied, and the content and results of this process are highlighted. The goal of continuous ecological training for sustainable development is to teach people to manage the quality of life; the formation of an ecological culture in the young generation, which involves the ecological orientation of the individual, the ability to increase their ecological education and literacy, to carry out social-ecological and ecological-project activities for the benefit of sustainable development. The main tasks of continuous ecological training are the formation of scientific knowledge and ecologically oriented knowledge, the development of environmental protection skills and abilities aimed at improving the state of the environment and improving the quality of life of people, and the upbringing of a highly educated and ecologically cultural personality. Continuous ecological education for the benefit of sustainable development originates in preschool education institutions, where for the first time children master the basics of environmental education and culture, and form an idea of their unity with nature. The next stage is general secondary education, where students form environmental competence and develop an environmental outlook. The next level of the continuous ecological education system is the higher school, where the professional ecological training of the future teacher is carried out, the value-meaning sphere of the individual is formed, social-ecological norms of professional activity are mastered.
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