ABSTRACT A plethora of experiments with intercropping have established greater yield benefits in multiple cropping (MC) than sole crop (SC) systems. However, most of these experiments involved only two crop species cultivated in row intercropping, and rarely with complex planting designs. The only study of MC involving seven crops is Deb (2021), which showed that land equivalent ratio (LER) was greater in all MC plots than SC plots, but the MC plots planted in semi-random (SRAN) planting design were substantially more productive than those planted in row intercropping (ROW). This study repeats the MC trials with the same seven crop species, planted in replicated ROW and random (RAN) planting designs. Results of this study corroborate the previous findings. Analysis of inter-crop interaction strength further indicates that intra-specific competition is intensified in ROW, but is substantially curtailed in SRAN and RAN designs, where inter-specific facilitative effects prevail. This finding indicates that owing to greater additive intra-specific competition effects in regular planting designs, LER is consistently low in row intercropping; and conversely, LER spectacularly increases in disorderly (and) planting designs. This finding is consonant with the ancient practice of random mix agroforestry systems in the Global South.
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