In many cases, industry has main role in environmental crises especially in civil and energy projects. For example, more than 60 percent of annual greenhouse gas emissions are related to the industrial activities in the world (transportation fuels and distribution 25.3%, power stations 21.3%, industrial process 16.8%). Studding of air, water, and soil pollutions as separately may cause neglect from address to a comprehensive look in industrial pollution issue. In addition, without the exact information about quantity and quality of pollution sources, reduce or eliminate industrial pollutions are not possible. Environmental flow diagram (EFD) is made based on energy reference system (RES) and process flow diagram (PFD) for each industrial company or unit. In this paper, by coding in visual basic program environment, EFD designed for determining sources of pollutants, division sources of pollutants flows based on acceptor environment, and explaining impact of solutions to the energy optimization and reduce environmental pollutants. EFD is an user friendly software that can be used in all of the industrial companies and civil and energy projects for detailed knowledge of pollution level of the area to solution of environmental crises.