Distributed generation and sector coupling are key factors for economic decarbonization. Because gas networks have a large storage capacity, they have attracted the attention of power engineers to use them to increase the flexibility and security of supply in the presence of renewable and distributed energy resources. This paper makes the first attempt to integrate the electricity and gas systems to fill available gas storage facilities with synthetic natural gas on a large scale. This synthetic natural gas can then be used to operate gas turbines and to compensate for the fluctuating production of renewable energy sources. The LINK-holistic architecture, which integrates renewable and distributed energy resources, is used in this work. It facilitates sector coupling, which means power-to-gas and gas-to-power, throughout the entire power grid and at the customer level. This work is limited to investigating the power-to-gas process at the prosumer level. The electricity surplus of rooftop PVs is used to produce synthetic natural gas, fed into the gas grid after covering the local gas load. The behaviors of the electricity and gas grids are investigated. Results show that electricity prosumers may also become prosumers of synthetic natural gas. The current unidirectional gas grids should be upgraded with compressors at pressure reduction groups to turn them bidirectional, allowing synthetic natural gas storage in the existing large gas storage appliances after considering the pipes’ linepack effect. The proposed solution could make it possible to fill the underground storage plants in summer, when the electricity and synthetic natural gas production exceed electrical and gas demand, respectively.
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