While traditional HLS (High-Level Synthesis) converts “high-level” C-like programs into hardware automatically, producing high-performance designs still requires hardware expertise. Optimizations such as data partitioning can have a large impact on performance since they directly affect data reuse patterns and the ability to reuse hardware. However, optimizing partitioning is a difficult process since minor changes in the parameter choices can lead to totally unpredictable performance. Functional array-based languages have been proposed instead of C-based approaches, as they offer stronger performance guarantees. This paper proposes to follow a similar approach and exposes a divide-and-conquer primitive at the algorithmic level to let users partition any arbitrary computation. The compiler is then free to explore different partition shapes to maximize both data and hardware reuse automatically. The main challenge remains that the impact of partitioning is only known much later in the compilation flow. This is due to the hard-to-predict effects of the many optimizations applied during compilation. To solve this problem, the partitioning is expressed using a set of symbolic tunable parameters, introduced early in the compilation pipeline. A symbolic performance model is then used in the last compilation stage to predict performance based on the possible values of the tunable parameters. Using this approach, a design space exploration is conducted on an Intel Arria 10 FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays), and competitive performance is achieved on the classical VGG and TinyYolo neural networks.
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