To study the clinical features and course of urolithiasis in a young female patient, to suggest the cause of the simultaneous sudden formation of kidney stones in the patient and her mother within a year. Main provisions: urolithiasis (KSD) is one of the most common diseases of the urinary tract. The relevance of effective treatment of this problem arises from the steady increase in the number of patients around the world, especially in Russia. According to many researchers, this trend is due to the increase in life expectancy, changes in lifestyle and nutrition, as well as changes in the composition of water and climate conditions. Approximately two thirds of patients, develop the disease at the age from 30 to 60. Characteristic features of urolithiasis are repeated recurrence and a high incidence of complex forms, which complicates the treatment of such patients significantly. Diagnostic algorithm and treatment of urolithiasis are demonstrated in this article on the example of a medical history of a young patient with rapidly progressing urolithiasis. A similar disease with the same symptoms of urolithiasis was revealed in the patient’s parent a week later, which suggests a hereditary predisposition factor or manifestation of urolithiasis being dependent on the hard drinking water. The simultaneous sudden formation of kidney stones within a year in a patient at a young age and her mother emphasizes the hereditary nature of the disease. Probably, the peculiarities of national cuisine or the individual preferences of patients played a significant role in the development of the pathology. The composition of drinking water is extremely important. The patient is from the Republic of Bashkortostan, where water hardness is 7.8–8.0, which does not meet the standard.