For each n in N, let X n = [(X n ) jk ] n j,k=1 be a random Hermitian matrix such that the n 2 random variables √n(X n ) ii , √2nRe((X n ) ij ) i<j , √2n Im((X n ) ij ) i<j are independent, identically distributed, with common distribution μ on R. Let X (1) n ,..., x (r) n be r independent copies of X n and (x 1 ,...,x r ) be a semicircular system in a C*-probability space with a faithful state. Assuming that p is symmetric and satisfies a Poincare inequality, we show that, almost everywhere, for any non commutative polynomial p in r variables, (0.1) lim n→∞ ∥p(X (1) n ,..., X (r) n )∥ = ∥p(x 1 ,..., x r )∥. We follow the method of [10] and [17] which gave (0.1) in the Gaussian (complex, real or symplectic) case. We also get that (0.1) remains true when the X (i) n are Wishart matrices while the x i are Marchenko-Pastur distributed.
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