Oligohydramnios frequently demands intensive foetal surveillance and proper antepartum and intrapartum care. Its incidence is 1:750. Oligohydramnios is associated with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality. Features include IUGR, PIH, Abortion, Prematurity, IUFD, Malpresentations, Foetal distress, and Low APGAR, which are very emerging and life-threatening conditions for both mother and foetus in which the production of amniotic fluid is reduced and require immediate treatment and care. In the modern medicine they have not any particular treatment instead of giving adequate rest which decreases dehydration, hydration – Oral/IV Hypotonic fluids (2 Lit/d) or directly infusion of fluids in amniotic cavity, serial USG – Monitor growth and AFI. All these complica-tions result in higher rates of obstetrician intervention like induction of labour and caesarean delivery, which in-crease maternal risks as well. In Ayurveda, oligohydramnios can be considered under Upavishtaka, Nagodara, which comes under Garbha vyapad. Here, Garbhakshaya, as stated by Acharya Sushruta, where Garbhaaspan-dana, i.e. Ksheena Spandana (low foetal moments) and anunatkukshitta (Less fundal height) mentioned which is mainly due to the reduced amniotic fluid. A case study of a 20-year-old patient, primigravida with 20 weeks ges-tation, presented in OPD with fundal height less than gestational age on abdominal examination and AFI 6 cm on ultrasonography is presented. She managed efficiently by administering her with Udumbara Jal, Masanu-masika Kalp, Garbhapala Ras, and Vasant Kalpa orally and eating a diet according to Ayurveda. AFI increased to 9.5 cm on the 24th week, 12.9 cm at 29 weeks & 15.5 cm at 36 weeks and fundal height was increased and corresponded to the gestational ages. Foetal weight also increased from 300 gms to 657 gms, 1339 gms, & 2821 gms, respectively. This very effective treatment modality increases the amniotic fluid and provides good nour-ishment for the foetus.
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