An adaptive fuzzy prescribed-time connectivitypreserving consensus protocol is designed for a class of stochastic nonstrict-feedback multiagent systems, in which periodic disturbances, switched nonlinearities, input saturation and limited communication ranges are taken into consideration simultaneously. The connectivity, determined by the limited communication ranges and initial positions of agents, is preserved by incorporating an error transformation. Further, common Lyapunov function is considered to deal with the switching modes. By combining reduced fuzzy logic system with Fourier series expansion, a novel approximator is constructed to deal with periodically disturbed nonlinearities and to surmount the difficulty brought by the nonstrict-feedback structure. More importantly, distinctly from the existing finite/fixed-time control strategies where the settling time is heavily dependent on the accurate value of the initial states and control parameters, the settling time of the proposed prescribed-time consensus is completely independent of the initialization and control parameters and can be given a priori only according to actual demands. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, the designed controller ensures that the connectivity-preserving consensus is achieved in prescribed time and all the signals remain bounded in probability. To the end, the feasibility of the proposed consensus protocol is demonstrated by simulation.
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