Krobel, R., Smith, W. N., Grant, B. B., Desjardins, R. L., Campbell, C. A., Tremblay, N., Li, C. S., Zentner, R. P. and McConkey, B. G. 2011. Development and evaluation of a new Canadian spring wheat sub-model for DNDC. Can. J. Soil Sci. 91: 503-520. In this paper, the ability of the DNDC model (version 93) to predict biomass production, grain yield and plant nitrogen content was assessed using data from experiments at Swift Current, Saskatchewan, and St-Blaise, Quebec, Canada. While predicting wheat grain yields reasonably well, the model overestimated the growth of above-ground plant biomass and nitrogen uptake during the first half of the growing season. A new spring wheat sub-model (DNDC-CSW) was introduced with a modified plant biomass growth curve, dynamic plant C/N ratios and modified plant biomass fractioning curves. DNDC-CSW performed considerably better in simulating plant biomass [modeling efficiency (EF): 0.75, average relative error (ARE): 6.0%] and plant nitrogen content (EF: 0.61, ARE: -2.7...