The implementation of circular economy (CE) policies in the management of urban policies have become essential for improving overall quality of life, development of green energy, and environmental management hence improving the image of cities. This research focuses on uncovering the core concepts of CE within urban environments, emphasizing actions that can improve green energy and environmental management. The CE aims to create a closed-loop system by prioritizing practices like remanufacturing, reusing, and recycling, which collectively help decrease resource usage and limit environmental damage. Therefore, in the study, the fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and fuzzy VIekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) are used to assess the identified several key factors and strategies for integrating CE activities for sustainable urban policy making and reinforce city image in China. The results of fuzzy AHP indicated that economic viability, policy and governance, and technological innovation are the key factors. While the cost effectiveness, policy flexibility and adaptability, and resource efficiency are identified as most crucial sub-factors. The fuzzy VIKOR presented that green building and sustainable development policies, green infrastructure development, and policy alignment and institutional support are the key strategies in handling and mitigating environmental issues as well as supporting economic growth, thus CE policies holds the key in creating a better perception of cities as innovative and sustainable. The contributions to this research are significant as it provides a structure for policymakers by offering a framework to integrate CE principles into urban policies. It also shows how CE can solve environmental challenges, promote growth in economy, and contribute to sustainable urban transformation. The implications of this study extend to policymakers, urban planners, and stakeholders dealing with greener and more adaptable cities consistent with global sustainability goals.
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