INCE they were first invented, parachutes have been widely used to lower men and goods to the ground safely, and to decelerate aircraft, race cars, etc. Although new types of parachutes were designed, this mission remained the same for years. During the last decades, new tasks began to be given to parachutes. These tasks are related to controlling the trajectories of their payloads and following complex flight patterns to carry out defined flight requirements. Today, rotating parachutes are a means of introducing dynamic maneuvers to their payloads to follow a predefined flight path and/or traces on the ground. In the design of a rotating parachute-payload system, the appropriate parachute system can be found by studying the aerodynamic properties of rotating parachutes in wind tunnels. While different types of parachutes are designed and studied in a windtunnel[1],thesameparachutecanalsobetestedbychangingits geometrical parameters such as suspension line length and staggering distance [2–6]. Inthisexperimentalstudy,threerotatingparachutesweretestedin a wind tunnel. Each canopy had the same surface area but had a different shape. The affects of the canopy geometry and the physical parameters (suspension line length and staggering distance) on the tangential force coefficient and the spin rate were studied [7]. Because the same size cross canopies and the same canopy fabric materialwereused,thespinrateandtheforcecoefficientresultswere compared with the corresponding results of the experimental studies found in the literature. During the tests, the oscillations of the configurations constructed from their symmetry axes were also observed, and different dynamic behaviors were classified.