The three Barnett-Lothe tensorsS, H, L, appear very often in the solutions to two-dimensional anisotropic elasticity problems. So do their associated tensorsS^(θ),H^(θ),L^(θ)\hat S\left ( \theta \right ), \hat H\left ( \theta \right ), \hat L\left ( \theta \right )for line forces and dislocations andS(υ),H(υ),L(υ)S\left ( \upsilon \right ), H\left ( \upsilon \right ), L\left ( \upsilon \right )in the problem of surface waves. Explicit expressions of the components of these tensors are derived and presented for orthotropic materials in which the planes of material symmetry coincide with the coordinate planes. With minor modifications, the results forS, H, LandS^(θ),H^(θ),L^(θ)\hat S\left ( \theta \right ), \hat H\left ( \theta \right ), \hat L\left ( \theta \right )can be applied to orthotropic materials in which only thex3=0{x_3} = 0plane coincides with one of the planes of material symmetry.