The article presents a semi-automatic approach to generating structured hexahedral meshes of patient-specific aortas ailed by aortic dissection. The condition manifests itself as a formation of two blood flow channels in the aorta, as a result of a tear in the inner layers of the aortic wall. Subsequently, the morphology of the aorta is greatly impacted, making the task of domain discretization highly challenging. The meshing algorithm presented herein is automatic for the individual lumina, whereas the tears require user interaction. Starting from an input (triangle) surface mesh, we construct an implicit surface representation as well as a topological skeleton, which provides a basis for the generation of a block-structure. Thereafter, the mesh generation is performed via transfinite maps. The meshes are structured and fully hexahedral, exhibit good quality and reliably match the original surface. As they are generated with computational fluid dynamics in mind, a fluid flow simulation is performed to verify their usefulness. Moreover, since the approach is based on valid block-structures, the meshes can be made very coarse (around 1000 elements for an entire aortic dissection domain), and thus promote using solvers based on the geometric multigrid method, which is typically reliant on the presence of a hierarchy of coarser meshes.