Previous studies using intravital microscopy have shown that hemostatic plugs formed in the mouse microvasculature have a characteristic architecture in which the extent of platelet activation reflects gradients in the distribution of platelet agonists radiating outwards from the injury site. In that setting, we found minimal overlap of thrombin and ADP signaling, with thrombin primarily responsible for robust platelet activation close to the injury site and P2Y 12 -mediated ADP signaling resulting in accumulation of minimally activated platelets. Here we have taken these studies a major step forward by integrating fluorescence with scanning electron microscopy. Hemostatic plugs produced by needle injury in mouse jugular veins were imaged in situ 1 to 20 min after injury. The results show with unprecedented detail what could only be inferred previously, showing that platelet size, morphology and packing density vary remarkably depending on spatial localization within the hemostatic plug. The intraluminal and extravascular portions of the hemostatic mass presented distinct architectures. A large mass comprised almost exclusively of platelets was observed on the interior surface of the vein. Platelets closest to the injury edge had a highly activated morphology, including P-selectin surface expression, dense packing and platelet fragmentation, while those farther from the injury edge often remained discoid. In contrast, the extravascular portion of the hemostatic mass was rich in densely-packed, platelet-derived fragments intertwined with fibrin. Hemostatic plugs from mice treated with a P2Y 12 inhibitor were significantly smaller. The platelet activation gradient described above was less apparent and, notably, fragmentation of the platelets close to the injury edge was not observed with the inhibitor present. In conclusion, our findings indicate that 1) the development of a platelet activation gradient is a conserved feature of the hemostatic response across different vessels, 2) fragmentation of platelets closest to the injury site occurs very rapidly following injury, and 3) clinically relevant platelet signaling pathways play a role in regulating its formation.
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