REPORT□ TRADEUNIONRIGHTSWORLDWIDE Global Trade Union Rights Situation Worsening 76 TradeUnionists Murderedin2008 Thousands of Dismissals and Arrests Repressionof Striking Workers in40 Countries Human and Trade Union Rights Department, International Trade Union Confederation For more information, contact ITUC Human and Trade Union Rights Department: 2008world, ous was year according another fortrade to difficult this unionists year's and often ITUC around dangerAnnual the ous year fortradeunionistsaround the world, according tothisyear'sITUCAnnual Survey of TradeUnionRights Violations, which detailsabuses of fundamental workers' rights in 143countries. 76 tradeunionists werekilleddue to theiractionsto defendworkers'rights, and manymorewereattacked physically orsubjected toharassment, intimidation orarrest bytheauthorities . While theworldwide total ofkillings fell from 91 thepreviousyear,thenumberof killings in Colombia, whichis notorious as themostdangerous placeon earth fortrade unionists, reached49 - an increaseof 10 overtheprevious year.The upsurge in killings tookplace despiteassurances by the Administration of ColombianPresident Alvaro Uribethat thesituation was improving. Asidefrom theappalling tollinColombia, nine unionists weremurdered in Guatemala, whichin recent years hasseenanincrease inviolent attacks against tradeunionrepresentatives andmembers. Fourwerekilledin thePhilippines as wellas in Venezuela, threein Honduras, twoin Nepaland one each in Iraq,Nigeria, Panama,Tunisiaand Zimbabwe, wheretheMugaberegime continued its reignof terror againstthe country's union movement. Ina number ofinstances, governments wereeither directly or indirectly involvedin the killings. A totalof 50 seriousdeaththreats were recordedacrossseven countries as well, along with some100casesofphysical assaults across25 countries. Governments inatleastninecountries (Burma, Burundi, China,Cuba,Iran,SouthKorea,Tunisia, Turkeyand Zimbabwe) were responsiblefor imprisoning tradeunionists on accountof their legitimate activities insupport ofworking people. "Governments inevery region areclearly failing toprotect fundamental workers' rights, andinseveralcaseswerethemselves responsible forheavy repression of theserights. The factthatcertain countries, suchas Colombia, Guatemala and the Philippines appearyearafter yearonthedeathlist showsthat theauthorities are,atbest,incapable of ensuring protection and in some cases are complicitwithunscrupulous employers in the murders ", saidITUCGeneral Secretary GuyRyder. Some 7,500 cases of dismissalof workers involved intradeunionactivity wererecorded in a totalof68 countries, including 20 countries in Africa alone.Thesecases are,however, onlythe tipof theiceberg, witha greatmanymoredismissals notbeingrecorded. The country withthe worstrecordof dismissals was Turkey, where morethan2,000weredocumented andwherethe government remained intolerant ofunionactivity ingeneral. Indonesia(600) was thenexthighest, withhundreds alsodismissed inMalawi, Pakistan, TanzaniaandArgentina. In Burma,China,Laos, North Korea,Vietnam and a numberof othercountries, onlyofficial state-controlled unionswere allowedto operate whileinSaudiArabia, genuine trade unionactivityisstill effectively impossible. Heavygovernment interference in union affairs also continuedin Belarus through muchoftheyear. Theimpact oftheglobaleconomic situation on workers' rights was a prominent feature in many countries. Muchoftherepression acrossAfrica in particular involved governments reacting harshly against workers seeking to improve wagesas the globalfoodcrisis hit, withincreasing numbers of familiesunable to feed themselvesproperly. Incredibly, many oftheworst affected wereworkersintheagriculture sector itself. Later in2008,the effects oftheglobalfinancial crisis beganto hit, putting additional pressure on job security, wages andworking conditions. The trend towards increasingly harshexploitationand attacks on workers' rights intheworld's Export Processing Zones(EPZs),already a feature in previous years,worsenedin 2008.Thirty-four countries arecitedinthereport forinadequate or non-existent protection ofEPZworkers, including Albania, the Bahamas, Belize, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic,El Salvador,Guatemala, Honduras,Jamaica, Jordan, Mexico,Nicaragua, Polandand Oman.A further 22 countries aresingledoutfortheexploitation ofmigrant workers, who are oftendenied even the mostbasic of rights, andwhosesituation frequently meansthat theyare the mostvulnerable of all workers to exploitation andabuse. "Hundreds of millions of working people, in developingand in industrialised countries, are deniedthefundamental rights tofreedom ofassociation andcollective bargaining. Formany, especially thoseinprecarious employment, thisdenial wreaks havocontheir lives, as they workextremelylonghoursinhazardous orunhealthy situations withincomes so lowthat they areunabletosupportthemselves and theirhouseholdsproperly. Lackofrespect forworkers' rights has increased inequality aroundtheworld,and thatinequality helpedtrigger theglobalrecession", saidRyder. Disturbing trends in labourrights intheindustrialised countries are also evident in theSurvey, withincreasing recourseto contract labourand 'third-party' labouragencyemployment eroding incomes, conditions andrights atwork. On a more positivenote,changesin government in both Australia and in theUSAbrought thepromise of newprotections for working peopleintwocountries withextremely poorrecords inrecent years. Workers in Burkina Faso, Kenya and Mozambiquealso had some cause foroptimism, withtheadoptionofnew legislation recognising andenabling trade unionorganising, whileinthe Maldives, thecountry's new Constitution guaranteesfreedom ofassociation andtheright tostrike. INTERNATIONAL union rights Page 24 Volume 16Issue 3 2009 ...
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