A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a system of collaborating computational elements that control and interact with physical entities. These systems can be found in areas such as aerospace, automotive, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, entertainment, and consumer appliances, and can also be categorized as embedded systems, mechatronics, and smart X. In embedded systems the emphasis is on the computational elements, while mechatronic systems focus on the link between the computational and physical elements in terms of mechanical, electronics, control engineering and computer science domains. The design of cyber physical systems (mechatronics, embedded systems, smart X, etc.) is quite distinctive from any other designs, because they address highly complex multidisciplinary issues related to the combination of product/system/service (Rauniyar & Tanik, 2010). The inherent complexity in the design task due to the multidisciplinary aspects of CPS put high stress on engineers’ creativity to produce more innovative solutions. These challenges are known by the Engineering Design community in mechatronics (TorrySmith et al., 2013) but are exacerbated by the added layers of the cyber communication between the different objects, as well as the several challenges of possible IT service design which are of a different engineering nature (Dargahi et al., 2012; Wang, 2012). Therefore, assisting design engineers in design tasks as well as reducing the intrinsic complexity of the modeling is of crucial importance. This can be achieved by either design support tools or new methodologies that would make the design easier and simpler. The papers in this this special issue present the state of the art and advanced techniques related to the development, modelling and simulation of complex CPS. We cover controller design using system architecture, video servoing of robotic systems as well as characterisation of an instrumented dynamic flexible structure. The first paper written by Alvarez Cabrera and Tomiyama entitled “Architecture-Level Representation and Analysis of Regulatory Controller Configuration for Complex Mechatronic Systems” provides a method for automatically extracting information that is relevant for the controller design activities from a model that represents architecture-level information and concerns, and shows how the extracted information can be analyzed for control design purposes. Control design is closely linked to several subsystems within the cyber physical system, and the authors put architecture-level models at the core of the design activities of the control systems. The main contributions of this paper are the use of an architecture model and the extraction of information relevant to control design from it, while the control analysis process is taken from existing linear structured system techniques. The authors’ work provides great insight into how to improve control design, an inherently multidisciplinary, from improvements in the communication and exchange of updated design information between stakeholders during product development of CPS. The second paper, entitled “A Comparative Study on Eye-In-Hand Image-Based Visual Servoing; Stereo vs. Mono” written by Mohebbi et al. presents an application in visual servoing robotics, where