Carotenoids are an essential and often limiting resource in animals and play important roles in immune system function. In birds, the period shortly after hatching is an energetically demanding stage characterized by rapid growth in body size and organ systems, including the immune system. Availability of carotenoids for the growing nestlings may be of particular importance and potentially limiting at this stage of development. We tested the hypothesis that the availability of carotenoids for the embryo in the egg and in the diet of nestlings limits the condition and immune responses of nestling house wrens (Troglodytes aedon Vieillot 1809), a species with melanin-based plumage pigments. In one experiment, nestlings within females' second broods were randomly assigned to receive either a control or a lutein supplement (2008); in a second experiment, females, before their first broods, were either induced to lay additional eggs or not induced, and nestlings within both kinds of broods were supplemented as in the first experiment (2009). There were no significant effects of lutein supplementation on nestling condition or phytohemagglutinin response. There was a significant effect of lutein supplementation on nestling mass in 2008, but the difference was opposite to that predicted. Moreover, even when breeding females were stressed by inducing them to lay supernumerary eggs, lutein supplementation of nestlings had no effect on the size or condition of nestlings hatching from these eggs. These results suggest that maternally derived lutein in the egg and that provided in the diet of nestlings are not limiting to normal development and to the components of the immune system involved in the phytohemagglutinin response of nestling house wrens.
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