We construct new semirealistic type IIB flux vacua on ${Z}_{2}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{Z}_{2}$ orientifolds with three- and four-standard model families and up to three units of quantized flux. The open string sector is comprised of magnetized D-branes and is T-dual to supersymmetric intersecting D6-brane constructions. The standard model sector contains magnetized D9-branes with negative D3-brane charge contribution. There are large classes of such models and we present explicit constructions for representative ones. In addition to models with one and two units of quantized flux, we also construct the first three- and four-family standard-like models with supersymmetric fluxes, i.e. comprising three units of quantized flux. Supergravity fluxes are due to the self-dual Neveu-Schwarz-Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond-Ramond three-form field strength and they fix the toroidal complex structure moduli and the dilaton. The supersymmetry conditions for the D-brane sector fix in some models all three toroidal K\"ahler moduli. We also provide examples where toroidal K\"ahler moduli are fixed by strong gauge dynamics on the ``hidden sector'' D7-brane. Most of the models possess Higgs doublet pairs with Yukawa couplings that can generate masses for quarks and leptons. The models have (mainly right-) chiral exotics.