In supersymmetric theories with large extradimensions a finite radiative electroweaksymmetry breaking can be triggered if the top/stopmultiplet propagates in the bulk of the extra dimensions. We haveconstructed a consistent supersymmetric five-dimensional model wherethe extra coordinate is compactified on the orbifold S1/ℤ2,with radius R, and exhibiting as generic features:large tan β≃mt/mb, a well defined pattern of Higgs and supersymmetricmass spectra, sneutrinos as the LSP and perturbative couplings for scalesas large as ~ 40/R. In order to understand thefiniteness of the Higgs mass, which requires thecontribution of KK-modes heavier than the cut-off of thefive-dimensional theory (Λ~Ms, the stringscale), we have introduced a string-motivatedregularization where those heavy KK-modes decoupleexponentially as exp {-M2KK/2Λ2}. The regularization does not spoil the five-dimensionalstructure and the finite result is recovered in the limit Λ→∞. We stress that a top in the bulk should lead toobservable phenomenological and experimental consequences.