tion of pressure p~(H), density p~(H), temperature T~(H) and gravitational acceleration g~(H). A meteoroid enters the atmopshere from space with high ~elocity at a certain angle = to the horizontal. At first its interaction with the atmosphere is nonexplosive. This stage corresponds to quasisteady flight at hypersonic speed. With a certain approximation it can be modeled on the basis of well-developed theories: the physical theory of meteors [3] and the theory of supersonic (hypersonic) gas flow past bodies [4-6]. We will assume that the explosive process begins at a certain height H 0 above the Earth. Immediately before this let the cosmic body have a mass m 0, velocity V 0 (kinetic energy K 0 = m0V~/2), density P0, and characteristic dimension (radius) R 0. How the transition to explosion takes place and, in fact, what causes this transition is not yet accurately known. It may be assumed that in a number of cases the material of the body is converted into gas at high pressure, which determines its further explosive expansion. Since in what follows we shall be concerned primarily not with the process of transition to explosion but with the actual development of the explosive flow, as a model of the transition to explosion we will take a simple model of instantaneous conversion of the entire volume of the body into high-pressure gas. Thus, our task.~wiil~be consider the following gas dynamic problem. At the initial instant of time t = 0 a spherical (for simplicity volume of gas of radius R 0 with a velocity V 0 directed at an angle = to the Earth's surface, density P0 and a pressure P0 corresponding to a certain explosion energy E 0 is located at a certain height H 0 above the Earth in a stationary, generally inhomogeneous atmosphere. Since the thermodynamic properties of the gas into which the meteoroid material is converted are not known, in this stage the gas may be assumed to be perfect with a certain ratio of specific heats =~0 (in the example given below ~0 is taken equal to 1.4). It is assumed that the gas volume is situated in a flow that corresponds to the flow past a solid body of radius R 0 traveling at the supersonic velocity V 0 . This flow is calculated beforehand. In this formulation the problem is three-dimensional and unsteady and a concrete solution is accordingly very difficult to obtain. However, the problem can be reduced to two-dimensional axisymmetric form if the dimension R 0 of the body before and during the explosion is much less than the characteristic dimension H, = 7--8 km on which the effect of the inhomogeneity of the atmosphere becomes significant and if we neglect the inhomogeneity of the atmosphere and gravity in planes perpendicular to the direction of flight, taking them into account only in the direction of the velocity V 0. The latter
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