Measurements revealed that the spontaneous growth of ice crystals in supercooled aqueous solutions is accompanied by electrical effects. These effects were investigated at supercoolings between 2° and 11°C and in various salt solutions with salt concentrations between 10−6 and 10−1 mole liter−1. Freezing potentials up to 15 volts and freezing currents as large as 0.1 μamp were observed. The magnitude of the freezing potentials varied only slightly with the growth rate of ice but varied strongly and systematically with the concentration of salt in solution, with the type of salt dissolved, and with the time elapsed after freezing was initiated. The variation of the freezing potential with time was characterized by a sharp rise of the freezing potential in the very initial stages of ice growth and by a subsequent slower decay, which depended on the type of solution. In solutions with salt concentration larger than 10−1 mole liter−1 or smaller than 10−6 mole liter−1, the freezing potential was negligibly small. Maximum potentials developed in solutions with concentrations between 10−5 and 10−3 mole liter−1. By comparing solutions of salts with a common anion, it was found that the freezing potentials varied only slightly with the type of cation. By comparing solutions of salts with a common cation, it was found that the freezing potential varied markedly with the type of anion and was largest in fluoride solutions and smallest in iodide solutions. Ammonium solutions developed freezing potentials with a sign opposite to that developed in alkali halide solutions. It was shown that the magnitude of the freezing potentials is directly correlated to the electronegativity of the elements in solution. A comparison is drawn between the electrical effects observed during the spontaneous freezing of aqueous solutions and the electrical effects that develop when ice grows in aqueous solutions at a rate that is about 104 times smaller, as is the case in a Workman-Reynolds type experiment. Some speculations are given about the significance of the observed electrical effects to thunderstorm electricity.